Ms. Queenie Mahalia Foundation

Our Story begins here

Ms. Queenie Mahalia Foundation
22nd August 

I received this picture this morning of Julius, who is my right hand man at the orphanage, holding up a sign that they plan to name the newly constructed school rooms. I am so honored!!! A special thanks to 
Gerard Dailey
! Without him my participation in this project would never have happened!

That is old Mzee in front of the staff , he is chief mobilizer of the project. He is really doing good work .

Julius was standing with their head mistress in front of classes which were donated by MOM Queenie Linderman

Julius standing at the back of a classroom

Asking some pupils in the top class what challenges they have.

Primary one class and most of them were absent because of rain

Talking with our Headmistress about what is needed to improve the academic department

Staff Meeting

The top class and they are happy for studying under the roofing of iron sheets on this note credit goes to MOM Queenie Linderman in conjunction with Dad Gerard Dailey

I visited every class today

Teachers eating their lunch we still haven't furniture in the lunch room.

Staff food

Attendance increasing

The two boys work as class monitors in their class

Chatting with young ones asking them what they like most

I was asking them what made them happy since term began and they all told me that they are no longer beaten by rain which used to beat them in old classes which we had

baby class

Headmistress's twins who are in the Baby Class

Another Staff Meeting

As Julius was checking each class.
Top Class
This is the girl I am honored to dedicate myself too. Her name is Winny Akinyi. She is a form 2 secondary school student. She is a very bright girl, always among the top five positions in her class. Both of her parents passed away seven years ago. Since then she has been raised by a good samaritan member of their church. Unfortunately the person has since retired from work and has no money anymore to pay for her school fees. She would like to be a social worker in the future. ~Queenie

Evelyn who was adopted by MOM Queenie Linderman standing at their get after paying school fees for her which was sent by Queenie ,
This is the same school where I completed my O`LEVEL from in 2003 ,am proud to be the OB of that school.

Saint Augustines

Evalyne Standing in their compound at school where I went to pay for her school fees
That is primary Five class and its in another Rented Building.The enrollment is forcing us to rent other buildings
Another group of children at lunch
Thanking the cooks for the work they are doing for us.
Behind three classes which were donated by Queenie Linderman